Zoom / style level: /
Server: started:
Server: response time:
Server: grid level:
Server: visible cells:
All visible journeys:
Visible journeys (unbloated):
Visible journeys (today):
Visible ways today:
Ways loaded:
Lines loaded/locked: /
Polys/vertices loaded: /
PolyPoints loaded:
Share my location?Copy your location and zoom, then you can bookmark it or send it to someone else. |
Allow access to my location?With 'Allow' selected, the map will open centred on your location (if your device is configured to allow it). If 'Block' is selected, we start with the whole UK visible. |
LayersWhen you zoom in, particularly in urban areas, the map can look quite cluttered with many bus routes crammed into a small area. For this reason we don't show much on the map apart from bus routes. But you can add 'points of interest' using this selector which can be helpful for finding landmarks, destinations, bus stops etc. |
Device typeYou may be able to improve performance by telling us what kind of device you're using. |
Double Decker Checker shows you a map of all the UK's 'local' buses routes and journeys. You can select them to see their bus stops, timetables and live buses.
This website is still development. Do not rely on it for important travel plans. It may display incorrect information or go wrong in a variety of ways, but it won't harm your computer - it's just javascript and API calls.
Any ideas, bug reports or suggestions are most welcome:
Click anywhere to close this window, then click the help button
at the top left for more information and help.